Form for bugreport

If you are sending a bugreport to the support team of Neuron, best practice is to use the following form. Just copy the content of the bugreport form to the raised ticket and overwrite the placeholder texts with your descriptions. The most important rule is that you have a reproducable scenario for Neuron. To grant this, add as many pieces of information as possible so that the support team is able to reproduce the problem This speeds the processing of your bugreport up.

Bugreport form
Summary: <Enter a title of the problem.>

Priority (keep one of the priorities how you would rate the problem):
 Blocker | Critical | Major | Minor | Trivial
 <Enter all steps leading to the error. Please attach/include any existing projects/objects/code so the problem can be reproduced.>
 Affected product/version:
  <Enter the used product/version, e.g.: Neuron Power Engineer, Version x.y.z>
 <Describe the behavior you expected.> 
  <Describe an existing workaround, if known.>
 Additional information: 
  <Any information that might be relevant for the problem, such as stack traces. Of course, you can attach such stack traces as well.>

Fill-in helper on "Priority":  The priority indicates the importance of the problem to you. Neuron is using the following criteria:




Blocks development and/or testing work, production could not run.


Crashes, loss of data, severe memory leak.


Major loss of function.


Minor loss of function or other problem where easy workaround is present.


Cosmetic problem like misspelled words or misaligned text